Lie Subgroups of the 2D Torus Group
Updated: 2023-10-31 20:34:36
13,000+ Interactive Demonstrations Powered by Notebook Technology TOPICS LATEST ABOUT AUTHORING AREA PARTICIPATE Your browser does not support JavaScript or it may be disabled Lie Subgroups of the 2D Torus Group This Demonstration draws the one-dimensional Lie group plotted as a subgroup embedded or immersed in the two-dimensional torus group The slope is set by the direction of the velocity , and the subgroup is plotted from up to a maximum value set by the length value this latter is the product of the multiplier value and the length of the velocity , so you can watch the thread grow by putting the velocity near left-bottom corner and dragging it to longer and longer . lengths Contributed by : Selene Rodd-Routley THINGS TO TRY Rotate and Zoom in 3D Slider Zoom Gamepad Controls Automatic